Wednesday 6 August 2014

Not-So-Simplified Self Intro

I don't necessarily like to talk about myself, but I want to make this blog my personal but public diary. Therefore, a self introduction is appropriate to start.

My general profile can be viewed in the link to the right, this post just covers the extra details that I feel comfortable about sharing:

Let's talk about my environment; I am currently in a happy home of four humans and four furry animals (Cats!). I happen to be the youngest, but it doesn't necessarily mean I don't get a say in this house. To conclude my behavior at home in an honest, straightforward manner, I'm that rebellious teenager that no family likes dealing with. But I'm very much loved deep down ;)

Then there's school. I think it's absolutely strange and ridiculous how school works, to the point where it pisses me off but if we go there, it would be an essay longer than all my exam papers combined. Don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of wonderful experiences thanks to my friends and some very rare but good teachers. My grades are just fine too. However, the root problem of this twisted structure one calls school simply cannot be ignored, especially to an avid observer like myself.

I have moved a total of 7 times I believe, across states but in the same country. I've been to 6 schools including kindergarten, which covers both public and private educational institutions. I've met many types of people, made all kinds of friends, joined plenty of activities, experienced different living conditions, witnessed various happenings and somehow made it out alive and well despite the fluctuating ups and downs.

Here's my thoughts on blog-writing:

I think most writers are creative observers, or they wouldn't be able to sit down quietly and write out their thoughts. They would also be people who know how to enjoy alone time, allowing time to pass by slowly as they create new ideas to pen down. This doesn't describe loneliness, being alone and feeling lonely are separate things. I too love writing and so alone time is such a precious gift to me. Being alone with your thoughts and feelings can be fun for someone whose mind wanders endlessly. Writing this blog is an activity that can ground those thoughts into a simplified, readable information bank.

I'm not sure yet what this blog is going to be really about. I guess it depends on what interests me enough that I'd want to write about it. This is just a form of self-expression for me, I don't really have a specific goal or purpose to this blog. But I'm sure I'll enjoy my time just writing and reading on the Internet :D